

In this update we have significantly changed how Checklists function. What we have tried to do is enable Checklists to be used in a more targeted way across broader area of an organisation.



What are Checklists in Care Control?

Checklists are simple list of tasks. Each task is presented to a staff member for confirm completion. You can also request optional information when the task is signed off.

It is important to understand some of the core principles of how Checklists are structured within Care Control.

Master Checklist and Tasks
The Master Checklist holds all of the core information about the Checklist. It holds its name, tasks, target shift, active time etc.

Checklist Instance
A Checklist Instance is a copy of the Master and is created each time the Checklist is repeated and / or when a Checklist is assigned.

Checklist Allocation
A Checklist can be allocated to a staff member or groups of staff member. The Checklist allocation defines who is allowed to complete a Checklist. You do not need to allocate a Checklist - if you do not allocate a Checklist than anyone in your organisation can completed it!

Checklist Assignment
A Checklist can be assigned. Assigning a Checklist means that the Checklist is about the “person or thing” you have assigned the Checklist to. You can assign a Checklist to a Service User, CSG, Room, Staff Member, Staff Role, Staff Category and even an Object.


Examples of how you could use Checklists

Before we get into the detail of creating Checklists, it is worth outlining some examples of how they could be used: -

Example 1 - Staff Induction Checklist
You create a Checklist for staff inductions. The Checklist has the list of all the induction tasks that the staff member should achieve. You set the Checklist as a default when new staff are created. You set an expiry time of 14 days for the Staff Member to complete the induction. The Checklist is accessible by the Staff Member to update. It will appear on their Task List to complete. You can monitor the progress.

Example 2 - Cleaning Checklist
You create a Checklist for Room Cleaning. The Checklist has all the tasks you expect the cleaning staff to complete on a daily basis. You assign the Checklist to each Room in your organisation and allocate the Checklist to staff with the role of Domestic. You set a target time of 7.00am until 14:00 for the Checklist to be completed. The Checklists repeats every day. You can monitor progress and identify any rooms that are not cleaned.

Example 3 - Service User Support List
You create a Checklist for a service user. This list is assigned to that Service User and allocated to Care Staff. You mark the Checklist to be displayed on the Service User status screen. When the staff member completes a task on the Checklist a note is created and entered onto the Service User’s Care Plan.

Example 4 - Hoist Check Checklist
You create a Checklist which covers checking the Hoist. You assign the Checklist to an object that is specific for that hoist. You create an NFC Tag which you attach to the hoist. The Checklist is set to repeat once a week at night. The Checklist is shown on the Home Status screen, however it can only be completed if the staff member scans the NFC Tag which is attached to the hoist. You can use the result to evidence that the hosts are being checked regularly.

Example 5 - Care Service Group Checklist
You want to create a Checklist that when a staff member arrives at a supportive living premises, they have a set of tasks to do outside of the support the service users. You create a Checklist which you assign to a CSG. When you access the property you can access the CSG Checklist to complete it. You can then monitor and report on the checks that were completed.

Getting Started - Creating a Checklist

You create a checklist within CC Windows. Under the Administration, you create a Checklist through the communication tab: -

When you have loaded the checklist main page it will look as follows: -

To start creating your Checklist click the Create Checklist button: -

You will then see the following screen: -

This allows you to use another Checklist as a template if you wanted to. This is useful if you are creating a similar Checklist. Note, all the tasks associated with a Checklist will also be copied over.

Create Checklist Screen

The “Create Checklist” screen can be broken down into 5 stages: -

Stage 1 - Describe Your Checklist

The settings within Stage 1 are as follows: -





Checklist Name




Start Date

The Start Date defines the first date a Checklist Instance can be created. If this date is in the future an instance will not be created until that date. For example, if you create a Checklist with a start date of next week, no instances of that checklist will be created until that date is reached.

Display Checklist on Home Status…

The Checklist will appear on the Home Status, Staff Task List or Service User Task List as long as it is an Active Instance, the Target Shift is valid or the Start Time, End Time or Late Time are set. For Staff Task Lists the staff member must be able to access the Checklist.

Only Checklists that are not completed are shown on these status screens.

Target shift

Uses the Site Shift Settings. Only used if the Start Time and End Time are blank. If Start Time and End Time are used the target shift is ignored. An active instance has a status of 4 - Outside of Target Time returned on the Checklist Home Page for instances that are outside of their target times.

For example, if your night shift starts at 10pm and your Checklist is assigned to a Night Shift, staff will not be able to access the Checklist until 10pm.

Start Time, End Time, Late Time

These are optional. If they are used the Target Shift is ignored. They define when an active instance can be accessed. If the Checklist is viewed between the Start and End Time a status of 2 is returned - Ongoing (Amber). If the Checklist is viewed after the End Time, but before the Late Time the status is 3 - Late (Red Cross)

NFC Tag Only Checklist

If this is set then the Checklist can only be assigned as an NFC Only Checklist. This setting will stop the user from being able to select Manual or QR Code options at the Assignment stage.

Note, you can set the NFC Flag at the assignment stage.

When does a Checklist Instance Expire

This is a setting that defines when an Active Instance is moved to an Historic Instance. The default value is: -

Not until another instance is created

This means that the Instance remains active until another instance for that Checklist is created. If the Checklist is not a repeating Checklist, the instance will remain active indefinitely.

Same Day

This setting value means that the Checklist Instance will become historic once the time period after the Shift End or Late Time end has been reached for the date it became active. This will happen within 5 minutes of this time.

XX Days

This setting value means that the Checklist Instance will become historic once the time period after the Shift End or Late Time end has been reached but plus the day count against the Instance activation date.

For, example a setting of 2 days means that the Instance will not become historic until the instance activation date + 2 days + the end time.

This setting can be overridden if the repeating frequency is higher than the expire period.

For example, if the Checklist is to repeat every day and the expire period is every 3 days then the Checklist will never expire from this method.


Stage 2 - Who can complete this checklist







Who can complete this Checklist

This setting defines who can complete the Checklist. It defines staff members either specifically, by role or by category.

If this setting is not set then anyone in the organisation is able to access that Checklist.

This setting is only relevant for Assignments for Clients, Rooms, CSG’s or Other. It is not relevant to Assignments associated with Staff.

Stage 3 - Does this Checklist Repeat





Does the Checklist repeat

This setting defines if the Checklist instances are repeating. The repeat frequency can vary.

The repeat action occurs once a Checklist Instance has expired. This can happen throughout the day.

For example, if we had a Checklist that had a Start Time of 15:00 and Late Time of 14:59 which repeated each day, then a new instance would be created at the same time the current instance expires.

Stage 4 - Who can add tasks to this Checklist





Who can add tasks to this Checklist

This setting defines who can add Tasks to this Checklist.

For example, if we looked at a Maintenance Checklist. You may want it that other staff can add tasks to the Checklist, but the only person who can complete the Checklist are staff who have the role of Maintenance.

Adding of Tasks should be supported on all Platforms.


Stage 5 - Output when Checklist Completed

The final stage is where you can define if an output note is generated. This area is a little complicated, but we have tried to help by providing a Build Template button. This produces the following screen: -

Through this screen you can do the following: -





Output when a Checklist is Completed

This setting contains the template that is used when a Tasks is saved or a Checklist is completed.

The output is used if the Assignment requires a Care Note to be created.

The format of the template can use the following placeholders: -


This placeholder will be replaced with a list of comma separated completed Tasks with any extra comments included.

This placeholder will be replaced with a list of carriage return separated completed Tasks with any extra comments included.


This placeholder is replaced with the word COMPLETED.


The above placeholders are for each Task on a Checklist. The n equals the unique Task ID primary key. This allows for templates to be created with specific task entries in specific locations.

Other special template commands include: -

{IF “#Tn#” CONTAINS “Completed” THEN

“Your content”


In this example we test to see if the specific Task has been completed.

{IF “#Tn-ExtraText#” CONTAINS “Test” THEN

“Your content”


In this example we test to see if the extra data contains a specific value.

{IF “#Tn-ExtraText#” DOES NOT CONTAIN “Test” THEN

“Your content”


Only create a note when the Checklist is Completed

This setting means that a note is only created if the Checklist has been completed.

If this setting is not set then each time a set of tasks are saved a note is created and stored against the service user.

If this setting is set then when the final entry on the checklist is completed and the completed flag is updated, the note is then created.

If this setting is checked and the checklist is not completed (e.g. it expires) then no note is created.


Example Checklist - “Standard Cleaning Schedule”

I have created an example Checklist called Standard Cleaning Schedule: -


Adding Checklist Tasks

Once you have created your Checklist you can start adding tasks. Lets add some tasks to our example: -

Click the Add Task button: -

On the Add Task screen you can enter a long task description and a task priority. You can also mark if the staff member should enter an additional comment. It can also be marked if that comment is optional or if you want to insist on it being entered.

These are the tasks we have added: -



Clean the Toilet


Bleach the Toilet


Clean through the basin and remove any toothpaste stains


Hoover all of the room


Polish the room, including behind the TV


Remove any rubbish from the room


Return any dirty plates or glasses to the kitchen


Sweep Bathroom Floor


Wipe around Shower Area if it has been used


Record the room temperature



Assign Your Checklist

Now we have a Checklist with associated tasks it is only a singular Checklist. In our example we want to duplicate this Checklist for each room in the care home. You can do this via the Assignments: -


When you click on the Assignment button you will see the Assignment Summary screen: -

From here you can Add a New Assignment: -

This is the Add New Assignment screen. From this screen you assign a specific Checklist to one of 7 areas: -

  • Room

  • Client

  • CSG

  • Other

  • Staff Member

  • Staff Role

  • Staff Category

For each area you can then select one or more items to confirm the assignment. For example, for our Checklist we want to assign it by Room. If we select Room we will see a list of Rooms. We can select one or more rooms: -

In the example above we have selected all of the rooms we want to assign this Checklist.

Organisation Assignment

If you do not have an assignment your Checklist will be automatically assigned at the Organisational Level. These Checklists will appear in the staff member’s Checklist Home Screen if they are allocated to access them. They will also appear in the Staff Member or Home / Service Status screens if you have marked the Checklist to display.

Create a Care Note

If you select the assignment type of either Client or Room you have an option to mark that this assignment will create a Care Note based on the Checklist Template: -

Make sure this option is ticked if you want your assignment to create a care note on task completion.

Staff Group Assignment

In this we have selected an assignment type of Staff Category. If you select Staff Category or Staff Role you get a further option: -

If you tick this box the system will automatically convert the assignment to any matching staff members.

If you select an assignment type of Object you can enter a free text entry: -

Here you can put in the name of the object you want to assign the Checklist against. For example, if the Checklist was for a Hoist you could enter the specific name of that Hoist.

Security of an Assignment

At the bottom of the assignment screen you can select how that assignment has to be completed: -

If you select NFC or QR Code, you must enter a security prefix. This can be any unique number that ensures that if the staff member scans the code it is a genuine, up to date code.

Assignment Summary

In our example we have assigned our Checklist against all the rooms: -


At the bottom of this screen you can see further options: -

Remove Assignment
Use this option to remove the selected assignment.

Use this option to edit an assignment.

Generate QR Codes

Use this option to generate QR Codes for printing on labels for any assignments listed. Remember you can filter this list by simply right clicking on the mouse.

In this example only the First Floor Rooms are selected. QR Codes will be produced for each selected item.

Checklist Instances

The core of the Checklist System are Checklist Instances. An instance is a copy of the Checklist. They are created for each assignment. Only one instance per assignment can be active at anytime. Instances can become historic if a more recent instance is created of the same assignment.

Instances also become historic if they expire. This will happen within 5 minutes of reaching an expire time. The expire time is a calculated based on the instance creation date, the expire time and the end time of either target shift or the late time entered.

In our example, we have created a daily repeating checklist which has been assigned to every room within the care home.

This has created 23 active instances. However, tomorrow when the Checklist repeats the 23 active instances will move to be historic and 23 new active instances will be created.

Completing a Checklist with CC Pocket

So lets look at how staff would complete a Checklist. You can complete a Checklist on ALL Care Control System. First we will look at Care Control Pocket. Care Control Pocket is our mobile phone app. You can access Checklists that are due to be completed in the various locations: -

Accessing Checklists assigned to a Client or Room

You access these Checklists through either the service user task list: -

Remember, for the Checklist to appear in this list the following needs to be correct: -

  1. The Checklist has an assignment by Client or Room

  2. The Instance must be active

  3. The “Display on Home Status / Task List” must be checked

  4. The Target Shift or Target Times must be valid.

  5. The Checklist must not have been completed.

Checking Permission

This task will appear regardless of your role or permissions. If you touch this task, but do not have permission to complete the Checklist you will see the following message: -

Remember, permission to access the Checklist is defined within the Checklist Allocation.


We have added a new Checklist Home Page to a client care plan. This is accessible if you click on the Care Plan option: -



This will load the Checklist Home Screen for that service user: -

Note, the Checklist Home Screen will only load Checklists that you have permission to access.


Accessing a Checklist assigned to a Staff Member, Staff Role, Staff Category or Other

If a Checklist is assigned to a Staff Member, Staff Role, Staff Category or Other it can be accessed from two locations: -

  1. With the Staff Member Tasks Screen, as long as the “Display on Home Status / Task List” is checked.

In the above example a Domestic Staff member has signed in and they can see all the Checklists allocated to them for that shift.

2. Access the Staff Checklist Home Page

Select Other Options: -

Then select “Your Checklists”.

Accessing a Checklist Assigned to a CSG

A Checklist can be assigned to a Care Service Group. This is also accessible within Pocket by going to the CSG menu on the Resident Select screen: -


To access the CSG Menu you first need to filter by a CSG. In this example I will filter by a CSG called the Bramble: -


Once you have filtered by the CSG you need to touch the CSG again: -

You now have a further menu option to access the CSG level Checklists: -

When the CSG Checklist page is loaded it will show any Checklists assigned to the CSG, Clients within the CSG or Rooms within the CSG.

Completing a Checklist

Once you have accessed your Checklist you can complete it through this screen: -

Each task is listed. You touch the white circle to mark that the task has been completed. To save your progress press Submit: -

As you press submit you receive a confirmation that the tasks have been saved: -

In our example, we have one task which requires further user input: -

Once a Checklist is completed it will look as follows: -

The Completed Checklist is shown below any Outstanding Checklists on the Checklist Home screen: -

Completing a Checklist with CC Mobile

To be done…

Completing a Checklist with CC Windows

To be done…

Using NFC Tags and Checklists

We have added the ability to program an NFC Tag with information about a Checklist. There is more information about this area in a separate release note. Please click through to here (to be done) for further information.

Analysing Checklist Output

A CC Windows administrator can analyse checklist output. Within the Checklist Manager screen you first need to View a Checklist: -

On the following screen you can select Analysis:-

The analysis screen will load for this Checklist: -

This screen displays all of the instances created for the Checklist. Checklists that are “Active” are listed first. You can easily filter this data set by right clicking your mouse to see the short cut menu: -

In this example we have filtered by Room: First Floor 13: -

At any time you can export the data as filtered into Excel by clicking on the Export Filtered Data: -

If you click on the instance name which is underlined in Blue you will see the individual tasks for that specific instance: -

Full Detailed Breakdown

In addition to the above analysis areas, we have also included a Full Checklist Details Report. Called the Checklist Detailed Instance Breakdown, it provides a full extract which you can port to Excel for further analysis: -



Alerts and Notifications

We have added a single alert (more will be added) for this release. Called “Alert me of an Incomplete Checklist” it can be set-up in the usual place for Alerts: -

This Alert will fire if a Checklist Instance is ever deactivated before it has been fully completed. This will happen within 5 minutes of the target end time. The alert will produce an email similar to below: -