March 2022 Bugs and Fixes

In this release, as well as new features we have fixed a number of bugs and made minor adjustments to the existing system.


Adding New Service Users on CC Mobile

The was previously an issue with loading the list of Care Service Groups for some staff. This has now been resolved and the process is working correctly.


“Generate a New Learning Code” Button

An issue was raised where clicking on the “Generate a New Learning Code” button within the CC Academy area in CC Windows and then selecting “No” would give the message that a new learning code had been generated. This message box has been corrected so that it only appears after a code has actually been generated.


Assigning a new Primary Role for a Staff Member

We have updated to procedure behind role updating so that when a role is set as the Primary role then any documents, training, CC Academy progress etc. will not become unlinked.


Loading a Staff Member’s Rota through their Staff Record

There was an issue with opening a staff member’s rota through their Staff Record while the Roster System is set to display “By Service User”. We have resolved this by loading the rota “By Staff Member” regardless of the main Roster Setting.


Weekly Recurring Schedules for Invoicing

An issue was reported in which recurring schedules set to recur on the same day of the week on a weekly basis showed each period ending on the same day as the next period began. We have resolved this - this was purely an issue with the way the data was displayed rather than how it was stored, so no data has been changed during this fix.


Historic Absences not loading in the Live Rota

We have resolved an issue where Absences could not be viewed by clicking on the Absences Bar.


Amended Absence Dates through Bradford Factor

We have made sure that the Absences form allows for the updating of the End Date of an absence.


Health Issues linked to Medical Visits

There was previously an issue where lists of Health Issues were not loading when viewing Medical Visits within Care Plans on CC Windows.


COVID Tab in Staff Records

We have added in a fix for the COVID tab crashing for some people when moving from one staff record to another.


Clicking Edit Or Delete in COVID Tests Area

Clicking Edit or Delete when there were no records selected would cause Care Control to crash. This has been resolved in this update.


Multiple Records in COVID Test Recording

There was previously an issue where staff appeared several times in the list of staff. This was due to their secondary roles being included in the list. We have fixed this so that only the current primary role appears in the list.


Commas in Fluid Amounts for Alerts

An issue with data refreshing in some areas of Care Control was caused by commas entered into the “Fluid Amount” parameter for some Alerts. We have restricted the ability to enter commas for this parameter.


Medication Prescriptions with Starting Offsets

There was previously an issue where Prescription Schedules which started with an offset (either plus or minus a number of days from the Start Date) would lose the offset after a few weeks and cause a discrepancy in the scheduling.


Prescription End Dates

There was previously an issue with prescriptions on eMAR which had an End Date recorded for a date in the future not becoming historic after the End Date. This has now been resolved.


Recording Medical Visits through eMAR

There was previously an issue with recording Medical Visits through the eMAR app. This has been resolved with this update.


Doctors Surgeries Not Showing in Personal Details

There was previously an issue where Contacts could be saved as “Doctors / Pharmacy” without entering a Company Name. The Company Name was the field which is displayed in the Personal Details sections of Care Plans, so we have ensured that any new Contacts of this type require a Company Name.


Staff Pocket Registration with no NI Number

Registering Pocket with the Staff Pocket Code (beginning with “PKT”) requires the staff member to have a NI Number entered into their staff record. If this does not exist then a message will now appear during registration informing the staff member to speak to their manager.


Recording Fluid Intake through Pocket

There was previously an issue where clicking Record Extra Information in Fluid Intake would use the wrong value for the fluid entered. This has now been resolved.


DBS Checks Not Loading

When in the Manage Staff Records area of CC Windows, the DBS Checks tab would not initially load data on existing DBS records. This has been resolved with this update.


Sending One Time Codes

Sending One Time Codes previously gave a message that emails could not be sent if the email address being used has a suffix longer than three characters (for instance, this has been corrected in this update.


Friends & Family Records in CC Windows

An issue was reported for when you view Friends & Family records in CC Windows. If the user set their PIN to start with a zero then you couldn’t save any changes as it stated the PIN had less than 4 digits. We have fixed this to include zeroes at the start of the PIN.


Starting Care Reviews on CC Mobile

There was an issue with CC Mobile where a Care Review could be started under certain circumstances if you only had Basic Care Editing rights. We have added additional security to this area.


Agency Signing Out

We had an issue reported which occurred when Agency workers tried to sign out when the service was set to use Biometrics. We have now added an additional check so that Agency workers circumvent the need to sign out with Biometrics.


Staff Roles with Incorrect Start Dates

An issue was raised where the start dates for additional roles for a staff member all displayed a start date which was the main start date for the staff member and not necessarily the date they started in the role. We have made a change to how this data is shown so that it is correct.


Custom Fields in Care Plans

We were informed that Custom Fields 6 - 10 were not displaying in Care Plans on CC Windows. We have amended the code so that these now show correctly.


Service User COVID Checks

While the functionality to record COVID Checks has never been implemented on CC Windows, clicking on a COVID Check task in Home Status would take staff through to a Service User selection screen. We have added additional code to inform staff to record in another app.


Staff Names in Checklists

There was an issue where staff would appear multiple times when assigning Checklists. This was due to all of their roles being taken as separate staff. We have fixed this to only include staffs' primary roles.


Filtering Staff-Specific Roster

There was previously an issue where an invisible button would open a filter screen when viewing a staff member’s Roster through their Staff Record. This has been deactivated when viewing the Roster in this way.


Deleting Incorrect Vaccinations

We have included the ability to remove COVID vaccinations through staff records. This has been added for any services which have incorrectly entered the information.


System Typos

We have corrected a handful of spelling errors throughout the system.