Enhanced Security on Pocket & Mobile

We have added enhanced security to both the Pocket and Mobile apps.

Incorrect Pin Lock Out
We have built into the system automatic lock out if an incorrect pin is entered. If a pin is entered incorrectly 5 times the app will lock out for 1 minute.


If a pin is entered incorrectly 6 times the app will lock out for 2 minutes.

If a pin is entered incorrectly 7 times the app will lock out for 5 minutes.

If a pin is entered incorrectly more than 7 times the app will reset and you will need to obtain a new code from the manager or Care Control.


Only Visit Data Access on Pocket
For our domiciliary and supportive living customers, non-admin care staff can only see visits they have been assigned. They cannot access any other data on the Pocket device. This only affects pocket devices that are configured to have the Staff Rota as the Pocket Home screen.

Read Only for Visits in the Future
Only historic visits and visits that are due to start within 1 hour can have data amended. All other access is read only. This only affects pocket devices that are configured to have the Staff Rota as the Pocket Home screen.