Shift Holiday Exclusions

We have added support to allow you to exclude certain shift indicators, either for a staff member or for the company, from being used as part of the holiday allowance / booking calculation.

When editing a Shift Indicator within Manage Pay Rates: -

You will see a new column on the right called Exclude From Holiday: -

If this record is ticked, for any shifts on your rota that use this shift indicator, the following holiday treatment is implemented: -


  1. These shifts are excluded from any holiday allowance calculation for staff who do not have holiday allowance calculated based on contracted hours (e.g. zero hours contracts).

  2. These shifts are excluded from any calculation of holiday to book, if the holiday booking is based on either “As Planned Work” or “Historic Work”: -


  3. When the shift indicators are saved, historical payroll records are marked to exclude any shifts previously used with this shift indicator from any 52 week holiday pay calculation for irregular working hours employees.